Friday 12 July 2013

Dr.Malpani perspective on the common complaints from the infertile couple.

The Most Common Mistakes Infertile Patients Make

Having the right attitude about infertility treatments can make the difference between success and failure. Here are some common mistakes infertile couples  often make -  and what they need to do to avoid them.
Mrs. Radhika Desai was my last appointment of the day. She had a thick medical file which described all the tests and treatments she had endured. Mrs. Radhika had consulted doctors in three continents, and she was now seeking yet another medical opinion for her problem of unexplained infertility. She had gone through four laparoscopies, performed by various doctors in different parts of the world. In addition, she had experienced six insemination treatment cycles. She arrived wanting me to perform yet another insemination for her. When I advised her that it was time to consider IVF, she became quite upset. “Why do I need IVF when all my test results are normal, doctor? Can't we just do another IUI cycle, please?" she begged.

This response is typical of many patients I see. They approach multiple doctors, but each new doctor recommends exactly the same old ineffective treatment. When I ask my patients why they give permission for these redundant procedures, the typical answer is, "My new doctor did not trust the previous doctor's reports and needed to see for himself." Hope springs eternal in the human breast; however, patients can become so frustrated and despondent going through the same monthly cycles that by the time they step into my clinic, they are  utterly disheartened.

As an infertility specialist who has successfully treated many infertile couples, I find the saddest stories are those of patients who have failed to get pregnant due to improper medical care. Being infertile is bad enough, but having a problem which is incorrectly treated is even worse..What can you do make sure you don't get suboptimal care? Here are the common mistakes I have seen infertile patients make: guard against these behaviors to increase your chances of having a happy, healthy pregnancy in the future:
Saying, "We'll take care of it later."
                                               Since infertility is never an urgent problem,
many couples postpone seeking medical attention. There always seems to be something more pressing. And who likes going to a doctor, anyway? Many will also refuse to go because  they would rather  deny the fact that they have a fertility problem.

 Refusing alternative treatment options
This is a common mind block, especially among men. Many men believe that relying on treatment is "unnatural" or artificial, and they would rather have a baby conceived in the bedroom. However, it is better to systematically explore options up front rather than to try a “hit and miss” approach.
Getting fed up and giving up
Infertility is likely to be one of the first major life crises you will encounter. It is the moment many of us confront our biological frailty. Moreover, it's a problem which will not go away by throwing money at it since the technology is not yet perfect. How well you cope with this adversity will depend--to a large extent--on your emotional resilience and your "adversity quotient."  You will need to develop strong coping skills. Joining a support group, for instance, can be a very valuable source of emotional strength.
Not doing your homework
The most important tool in your armamentarium is information. Knowledge is power.  This is especially true forinfertility treatments that are potentially open ended, expensive, and uncertain. . Don't minimize the problem or take an “ostrich in the sand” attitude and hope that it will all go away. If you are well-informed, you will be able to make your own decisions to suit your own life plan and personality. There are no right answers in this field. Only you know what's right for you. Trust your own heart.
Not getting a second opinion
While it's an excellent idea to trust your doctor, this should not be done with blind faith. It's always worthwhile to get a second opinion from more than one fertility specialist to make sure you are on the right track. It's even better to get an opinion from a specialist who will not be treating you. This keeps the information free of bias.
Losing control
Patients who have unrealistic expectations regarding treatment go through highs and lows, which they find difficult to cope with. You need to have a plan of action.  Hope for the best, but prepare yourself for the worst. Don't think of any treatment on a single cycle basis; you  must learn to accept that nature is not very efficient at making babies!
 Trying something new
Some patients want to try every new procedure every time they read a report in the newspaper. Remember that newspaper reports are deceptive and often give a one-sided view which emphasizes the successes. It’s easy to trust the media hype, but don’t be a guinea pig. Let the technology mature. If it's really good, it will be even better in another two years. Many fads come and go, and few are truly helpful for patients-- though they often help some doctors rake in a few, quick bucks!
Repeating the same treatment
As a rule of thumb, if a treatment has not worked in four cycles, you have reached the point of diminishing returns, and the treatment is unlikely to be right for you. It's possible that the next stage of treatment may be more expensive, but scrimping on costs is no reason to pursue the wrong choices.
Do these mistakes sound familiar? Have you made one of them? Don't kick yourself - just put it down to a learning experience.  You are now wiser. It is time to move on. Everyone is allowed to make one mistake once. Don’t repeat it twice!

Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: “It might have been!” While the final outcome of treatment is always unpredictable, you should have peace of mind in knowing  you did your best by taking the path of least regret.
Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, M.D.